Rail transport


Poseidon Logistics

organise and manage rail transport solutions

Poseidon Logistics makes intermodal transport much easier for our clients, through a comprehensive network of rail transport options for the movement of bulk commodities. We organize and manage rail transport solutions for our customers, from the source of extraction to either its onward, or end station. Does your company need to transport coal supplies from the Mpumalanga coalfields? Or urgently need to move copper and cobalt supplies from the mines of the DRC to eastern seaports? We facilitate the frequent and reliable rail transport of a wide range of natural resources along Africa’s extensive rail network. When time is of the essence, rail transport takes unpredictable road congestion out of your logistics equation. Our services allow you to deliver on time, more frequently, and in larger volumes, to your final destination.,


Poseidon Logistics

provides stability and reliability

The transport of liquids and chemicals, via rail freight, has become an important bridging point between ports and distribution depots. In a similar vein to bulk and containerized transport, rail freight offers the most cost-effective method of transporting liquids and hazardous materials over long journeys. Poseidon logistics offers its clients bespoke solutions to ensure the safe, reliable and affordable transportation of chemical products. We combine our advanced rail logistics capabilities to ensure that you deliver to your distribution network, while strategically supporting your expanded production. We don’t just move your fuel from pit to pump – our team invests in your long term transportation and distribution strategy. We endeavor to provide stability and reliability to your operations through effective rail transport logistics. 

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Poseidon Logistics

A world-class logistical team

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